Heart valve treatments include the repair of congenital or acquired heart valve problems.
The job of the heart valves is to prevent the blood from flowing backwards and to ensure that it is sent forward. If the valves do not function, the heart and organs begin to be damaged.
Problems about the heart valve can manifest itself with the following symptoms:
- Get tired quickly,
- Weakness,
- Palpitation,
- Shortness of breath.
Before Surgery
Before heart valve surgery, EKG, ECO, blood tests, respiratory tests, cardiac angiography, and radiological tests are requested from the patient. In addition, it is necessary to obtain blood suitable for the patient’s blood group.
Dental health is of great importance for surgery. Caries in the teeth or inflammation in the gums can cause complications after surgery.
Patients and their relatives should be informed in detail about all processes.
How Are Heart Valve Diseases Treated?
Heart valve surgical procedures can be applied using open or closed surgical methods. In order to stop the heart, the patient is connected to a heart-lung machine. In this way, surgeons can see the operating area better.
The treatment method is determined according to the patient’s condition and whether wants to have a baby in the future.
Heart valve treatment options are as follows:
- Heart valve replacement,
- Biological or mechanical heart valve
- Heart valve repair,
- Balloon method,
Post-Surgery Process
The healing process of heart valve surgery is as important as the surgery itself. The patient should eat healthy, do sports, not smoke and drink alcohol, control hypertension and cholesterol with the support of a doctor, avoid situations that may cause stress, and stay away from the risk of infection.
Complications such as fever, fatigue, anemia, rhythm problems, pain, redness and discharge at the wound site may occur after surgery. These symptoms are temporary and can be treated.
The patient should be very careful during this healing process. Patient visits should not be accepted for a while. It is important to have regular check-ups.
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