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The Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery is a weight loss method that reduces the absorption of food by shrinking the stomach and small intestine through the surgical process.

Mini Gastric Bypass method, which is an obesity surgery and a metabolic surgery, is applied for controlled weight loss. With this method, diseases that may occur due to obesity  are also prevented.

The procedure applied in Mini Gastric Bypass surgery is a shorter and easier than Gastric Bypass. This treatment method has become very popular in recent years.

In Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery, the part containing absorption and bile fluids that allow digestion and absorption to occur within 200 cm of the patient’s small intestine is separated. This part is replaced by the exit part of the stomach.

This treatment method is performed through 4-5 holes opened on the abdomen, which are shorter than 1 cm. In the Mini Gastric Bypass operation, a longer intestinal section is bypassed compared to the RNY Gastric Bypass operation. This procedure is an important difference that separates the two surgical applications from each other.

The Recovery Process After Surgery

The recovery process after Mini Gastric Bypass surgery includes a process similar to other weight loss surgeries. After the treatment, the patient should stay under the supervision of a doctor for 2-3 days. It takes an average of 1 week for the patient to return to work life. After the surgery, the patient can continue social life and physical activities without overexerting ownself. Physical activities are among the factors that affect the success of the surgery. After the surgery, doctors give customized diet plan to patients. Patients who follow all the doctor’s recommendations will not only lose weight faster and more controlled, but will also have fewer health problems that may occur.

Success Rate in Surgery

Mini gastric bypass surgery has a high potential for success compared to other types of obesity surgery. Reducing food absorption as a result of the surgical procedure performed on the small intestine is among the main reasons for this success. Within 1 year after surgery, patients can lose up to 75% of their previous body weight. Although the success rate of this surgery is high, cause of mini gastric bypass surgery is a long-term treatment, patients should take the doctor’s recommendations seriously, pay attention to their physical activities and have regular check-ups.

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