Otoplasty is a preferred treatment method for a wide variety of congenital or operant deformities of the ear. In cases such as congenital complete or partial absence of the ear, extra cartilage protrusions around the auricle, an ear like crumpled paper (The Crumpled Ear), pointed ears like Captain Spark’s (Stahl’s Ear), or partial or complete loss of the ear as a result of an accident, otoplasty surgery is the first solution that comes to mind.
Today, the most preferred condition for otoplasty treatment is prominent ear deformity.

Anatomical Differences in Prominent Ear Deformity
Prominent ear is a congenital defect. There are differences in the anatomical features of the cartilage structure of the ear. The dimensions of the auricle are usually normal. However, the angle between the auricle and the head is more than 25°. Especially in the rear view, the excess of this angle is very clearly noticeable. This condition can be seen in one ear or both ears, and it can be treated.
Treatment Process
The earliest age for prominent ear surgery in our country is 12-13. Between the ages of 3-6, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, from the age of 12-13 it can be performed with local anesthesia.
In otoplasty treatment, the angle between the auricle and the head is brought to the required level by suturing the cartilage. Particular attention should be paid to bringing the upper part of the auricle closer to the head. Because while the middle part of the auricle is brought closer to the head, if the upper part is not, an unsightly appearance emerges. If the folds on the auricle are insufficiently formed, these folds are clarified again with the help of special stitches. A small amount of skin is removed from behind the ear. Thus, the accumulation of excess skin behind the ear after surgery is prevented. After the interventions, the cartilage surface should be smooth and regular, and care should be taken not to create jagged images on the edge of the auricle.
It has been a known fact for at least 150 years that only skin removal is not sufficient for prominent ear correction. The operation is performed from the back of the ear. That’s why there is no visible scar. In the treatment, the problems detected in the auricle are corrected. Prominent ear surgery takes about 1-2 hours.
A bandage covering the auricle is used for 1 week after the prominent ear operation. It is necessary to be very meticulous in the use of this bandage. With the bandage, blood accumulation that may occur in the ear will be prevented and postoperative swelling will be minimized. Unwanted conditions such as infection and blood accumulation after otoplasty may rarely be seen.
It is not necessary to stay in the hospital after prominent ear surgery. Even with a bandage, the patient can return to normal life in 2-3 days. However, any activity that will bend the ear should be avoided for 1.5 months. Stitches are removed within 10 days or dissolve by themselves. It takes 2-3 months for the swelling in the ear to go down.
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