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Hiser Consultancy

HISER Project: In accordance with Article 3 of Law No. 5448, the Service Sector Competitiveness Enhancement Project, the collaborating organizations involved in the health or sports tourism sectors must submit an application to the General Directorate along with the “HISER Project Approval Application Documents (Annex 19)” and obtain approval.

The General Directorate evaluates project applications based on content, relevance to the purpose, budget, and the project management capacity of the collaborating organization, within the framework of export strategies and policies.

After the evaluation, the General Directorate may conduct discussions with the collaborating organization regarding the project, approve the project based on these discussions and evaluations, provide suggestions for changes and improvements to the project, or reject the project.

The project owner collaborating organization is informed of the evaluation results. If the project is approved, the collaborating organization can start implementing the project after receiving the notification. The 36 (thirty-six) months of the project duration are calculated based on the initial pre-approval date given by the General Directorate for any activity within the project scope.

A collaborating organization can submit a joint project application with another collaborating organization. The members of the applicant collaborating organization and, if applicable, the collaborating organization participating as a partner in the project can be involved in the project.

A HISER Project must involve a minimum of 8 (eight) beneficiaries.

Writing, managing, and implementing projects are all part of our expertise.

Contact Hiser Consultancy for more information.

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Phone: 549 736 46 04