Gynecomasty is the medical definition of breast enlargement or breast growth in male. Breast enlargement is a very common condition in men. It can be bilateral or unilateral. In unilateral gynecomastia, it should be investigated whether there are benign or malignant tumors. Gynecomasty is very common in men and it can be up to 40% in young healthy men. This rate increases up to 70% in adolescence and newborns.
The main reason for the occur of gynecomasty as a disease is the increase in the female hormone estrogen in the blood, while the decrease in the male hormone testosterone. Therefore, gynecomasty may occur in the following hormonal disorders:
- Testosterone hormone deficiency:
- Some tumors that produce estrogen
- Liver (cirrhosis) and kidney diseases (kidney failure), thyroid gland overwork,
Although hormone-producing tumors of the adrenal gland or testis are very rare causes of gynecomasty, they must be excluded.
Treatment Methods
It is divided into 3 different levels according to the degree of gynecomasty. These levels may differ depending on the condition and cause of the disease. The actual cause of breast enlargement and the most appropriate treatment method are determined with the pre-operative examination. It is important to perform a very detailed and careful pre-operative examination. There are two different treatments preferred in gynecomastia surgery.
1- Excisional Treatment:
With the excisional breast treatment, the dark area around the nipple is entered with a defined border and the excess tissue is removed with an easy method. If necessary, the piece of skin can also be removed. The only negative side of Excisional Treatment is that there is a significant scar around the nipple.
2-Liposuction Treatment:
This method allows the excess breast tissue to be drained by tubes extending from only 1-2 mm incisions to the tissue. The positive side of Liposuction Treatment, according to the other treatment method, is that there is absolutely no scar after the treatment. This treatment method is performed with local anesthesia and the patient can continue his normal life on the same day. The healing process is more shorter and comfortable.
Gynecomastia Treatment methods can be performed with sedation or general anesthesia. Patients can go home on the same day or the next day. It is possible to return to work on average 5 days after Gynecomasty and patients becomes able to do exercise after 3-4 weeks.
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